I live in a very old house with many house spirits attached to it. "Lionel" is the spirit who lives upstairs. This house was at one time made so the upstairs was an apartment, and it was rented out to Lionel and his wife. Lionel and his wife have passed on years ago, many years ago, but Lionel refuses to leave. I think he was happy here and that is why he hangs on.
Every now and again, you can hear Lionel walking around upstairs. He also moves things. small things, not furniture, Thank God. but he'll take books, pictures, small things like that from room to room. He also likes to 'peek' into the bedrooms when we have guests staying. Pretty much ALL of our guests have sensed, seen or heard Lionel. He also seems to like my sister, "C" most of all.
Of course, she is the one who visits the most too-so perhaps it's that. He walks in on her whenever she is in the shower.
"C" is now so use to Lionel she'll just yell at him to get out!
he also likes to watch her sleep. that sort of weirds her out, as it wakes her up.
Lionel was quite active just recently, walking all around upstairs while my hubby was on travel. to the point that I began to wonder if soemone was in the house--not spirit someone but LIVE someone. So, I went upstairs to investigate and all was tehn quiet. Got back downstairs, and soon again, I heard the familiar steps of Lionel walking around again.
Lionel is not a frightening spirit. Just curious. I don't mind having him here with us. we have other spirits too, but he's the most persistent in wandering around & making his presence known.